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gantt chart – i do have the chart its just not saving right

a gantt chart is a chart that manages the time of a project and tells you what time every one else is doing there job. it has all the tasks of a project and all the times of a project it also tells you the people and what relies on what so that the job can be done. Untitled

Project Life Cycle


in a project life cycle there are 4 stages in it and starting off with the first stage :

– project initiation: this is a very vital part to a project and it is usually where a lot of projects fail as most of peoples efforts go in to the other stages. in this step of the project life cycle you will identify the stake holders, this will be the people who want or don’t want it to happen. you will have to look if there are enough people on board for the project to be a good idea for example if a new railway was going to be built between London and Liverpool then you would look at the stake holders. Are there enough people it would benefit to create the railway and the people who live in the are of the construction site to build the rail way, are they going to be happy with the added traffic going on to transport the good to the site. you also have to think about all the costs and the benefits, if it is going to cost so much money and then its not worth it because not a lot of people will use it, you will have to look in to it to find it out. you are also going to have lo look at the scope of the project like what requirements are needed and tools for the project. and lastly is the project feasible because if it isn’t then there isn’t any point in going through with the project.

the second step is the planning, what are the targets and what are you trying to achieve and is it achievable. you also have to look at the milestones to make sure you are on track and moving forward. accountability is making sure you are on task by saying you are going to do such a thing by Friday and if not you are accountable for making up for lost time. this also links in with deadlines because you have to set deadlines so you don’t wander and take longer to do the project because that could lose money. lastly you have to create planning documents or else no one would know what they are doing and explaining something rather than showing it can be harder when you can just show them the plans.

the third stem is executing, this is basically building/ doing your project by sticking to the plan.

that last step is closure, before you can release what you have built you will have to test every aspect of the project and make sure that the whole thing works properly and doesn’t have any faults  then get some external party to write a review and make sure that it is good enough. if there is any feed back to what you can do better see if you can make the changes if so make them.

i do not own the image i have got the image from here thank you for the image.

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