
A topnotch site

Explain the resources available to a project manager

there are four elements to a project management these are :

Labor, which is just the people involved in the build

Enterprise, which is the idea and information needed for the build

Land, this is just the place where you are going to set up your build

and capital, which is just the money that is needed

when starting a build you have to think about the stakeholders that are in the project, for example lets say Blackburn college was building a new car park who would it effect? a lot of people are effected by this for better or for worse. people ;like the staff it effects for the better because they have more places to park and there is more room. it also effects the builders that are working on the build because it provides jobs for them. depending on who is behind the build for example the Blackburn college principle it will effect them money wise but in the long run could be beneficial if he will be charging people to park there, it may take time to get their money back but its also about helping the staff that work there not juts the money. it also effects people in the area because while the remaining car park is closed to make it bigger there will be less places to park and people will be parking on the local streets which could upset the owners.

the owner will have to decide what is happening with the project with such things like what the ending product is going to be who and how many people are going to be working on this project the time scale and how much money that is going to be spent on it.

the things that you want in a project are :

1) cheap

2) quick

and 3) good

In a project you can only have 2 of these things unless you are lucky to find a good cheap building firm that work fast.

when planning the project you will have to think about the size of the project the scope of the project and the time scale. they will have to split the jobs in to phases so that the whole thing isn’t done and cut off for such a long time. bringing the car park back if you were building it and you have finished a quarter of it, it would make sense to open it up to the public so that there are at least some spaces to park. they must also think about a budget because you don’t want to start a project and find out its going to be too much money and not being able to finish it.

when thinking about the information of the build you have to think about if you have gathered the information or if someone else has, and if some one else has can you trust the source. you also have to look at the level of detail because you don’t want to much detail because it will be a waist of time for example some one found out that on average most teenage have their first alcoholic drink at 14.24709364 years old, this is to much information. this is a waist of time because teenagers start drinking between 13 – 18 (on average) these would be better results to look at.

you also have to think about the land, is there enough space to store all of the materials of not then where can you store them. is there access to the land and is there working space to get the job done. when the project is finished is there enough room for it to be there or is it over crowded. without any one of these it results in bad out come if you cant get in to the place of work then how do you work there or get materials in to the work place, if there is no room to put materials then how are you going to finish the project on time if the materials are not on site.

the project you will have to think about the money that will be needed to create the project, you have to think about paying the builders that are working on the project. you have to think about paying for the materials to create the project you have to be able to pay for the land for the project. you have to think about liquid and fixed assets. liquid assets are things like if there is not enough storage area for your materials then you may have to buy land to store them then sell the land afterwards to make up for what you spent, fixed assets will be things like the land, you can’t sell the land you have just created your project on.

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